Element Indoor Golf Club remodeled bar

Food & Drinks

Wings, beer, bourbon, and more

The Goods


Element Indoor Golf Club wings and bloody mary
What better way to spend a weekend than golf, bloodies, and brunch



Coors Light

Mich Golden Light


Modelo Especial

Castle Danger Cream Ale

Kona Big Wave

Lupulin Fashion Mullet Hazy

Sierra Nevada Hazy Little Thing

Bells Two Hearted

Rotating IPA

Beer By The Bottle/Can


Bud Light

Michelob Golden Light

Coors Light

Miller Lite

Busch Light

Michelob Ultra

Summit EPA

Stella Artois

Coors Banquet


Lift Bridge Fireside Flannel

Alaskan Amber

Blue Moon

Lupulin Hooey

Coors Edge N/A

Heiniken 0.0 N/A

Athletic Run Wild IPA N/A

Athletic Upside Down Golden N/A

Seltzer & Cider By The Can

High Noon Black Cherry

High Noon Peach

High Noon Pineapple

High Noon Grapefruit

White Claw Black Cherry

Fresca Mixed

Downeast Cider

Carbliss Cranberry

Carbliss Black Cherry

Hand Crafted Cocktails

White Wine

Pricing - Glass / Bottle

Red Wine

Pricing - Glass / Bottle
Element Indoor Golf Club remodeled bar
In your Element...
Place where you can play, eat, and drink - in your Element.
From hackers to shotmakers, we've got a spot for you either in one of our sims or a seat at the bar.
Book Now